I/GCSE (Pearson, AQA, Cambridge)

I/GCSE (Pearson, AQA, Cambridge)


We aim to provide affordable and excellent General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) and International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) Music education to international school or dual curricula school students. Our extensive experience in teaching I/GCSE Music allows us to help students who sit for the I/GCSE Music Examination. We also provide updates and training to our tutors in keeping our education quality, particularly the set work updates on a regular basis. Our graduates who were taught by our tutors currently work in different music fields in Hong Kong and overseas, including composers, scholars, performers, music therapists and the pop music industry,...


On-Site School Programme

We offer the On-Site School Programme to schools. This allows schools to facilitate the students with an all-rounded learning and training of the I/GCSE curriculum under different exam boards, including Pearson Edexcel, AQA and Cambridge International Examination. Our bespoke On-Site School Programme allows schools a flexible way in enhancing students with different modules and learning modes. As facilitators, we prepare students for their Performing, Composing and Listening/Appraising modules. This provides the schools and students an alternative to continue and enhance their I/GCSE Music studies. We are now open for applications. The application for Year 2025-2027 Programme will...


Specific Module Programme

Alternatively, we also provide services to schools, including specific modules and training. This provides flexibility to schools which only require some courseworks and external exam training. The modules we offer include: Performing: Solo and Ensemble Training (MU0/01) Composing (MU0/02) Appraising (MU0/03) Aural Training Instrumental and Vocal Coaching Details of the Specific Module Programme: Lesson Hours: 50 lecture hours for each specific module (Year 10 to Year 11 / Grade 9 to Grade 10 / Secondary 3 to Secondary 4) Performing (Solo and Ensemble Training): 50 hours Composing: 50 hours Appraising: 50 hours Course Timeline: September...


Summer Courses

Summer courses are bespoke and respond to students’ academic needs. Throughout the intensive summer course training, we deliver exercises and training to students, enabling them to improve their music knowledge and concepts within a short period of time. Prospective Year 10 to Year 11 / Grade 10 to Grade 11 / Secondary 4 to Secondary 5 students are welcome to join the summer courses. The I/GCSE Music summer course modules we offer include: Performing: Solo and Ensemble Training (MU0/01) Composing (MU0/02) Appraising (MU0/03) Aural Training Instrumental and Vocal Coaching Music Theory Details of Summer Courses: Lesson Hours: 28 intensive lecture hours for...


Private Lessons

This allows I/GCSE Music students to learn at their own pace. Prospective Year 10 or Year 11 students are welcome to join private lesson arrangements. The private lesson modules we offer include: Performing: Solo and Ensemble Training (MU0/01) Composing (MU0/02) Appraising (MU0/03) Aural Training Instrumental and Vocal Coaching Music Theory Private lessons can be delivered live, online, or both modes. Please contact us at 98683401 or directly email hkmsacltd@gmail.com for bespoke arrangements.
